Character Chatter

This year has flown by so fast, it's reminding me that our June/July 2016 shoot of our first narrative feature--a microbudget--will be here before we know it!  Just posted location photos on our Pinterest profile here. And the process of writing the first draft of the script was something I was happy to blog about on Medium here.  Feedback is trickling from the chosen readers for the draft. I've now heard back from the director of the film program co-producing the shoot, our DP and our lead actress. It was after my notes from the lead actress today that I was thrilled to welcome a familiar sound:  The characters talking to me. They won't shut up. Anyone who writes fiction that experiences this will know that these voices are welcome inside our head. That means the script is clicking for all of us (imaginary and real) and we have successfully transported into a world we hope to bring back to audiences here on Earth to much acclaim. That's the hope.  I'm off to listen and make my edits for Draft 2.  Please follow us and cheer us on. Your energy keeps us afloat! Thanks!

Looking forward to our scenes on this stairway where the confrontation will offer no escape.

Looking forward to our scenes on this stairway where the confrontation will offer no escape.