Little Brother documents our positive mental health

This week we are thrilled to have our documentary film series Little Brother screen for a fourth time with the Association of Black Psychologists. Their national convention is being hosted in Indianapolis, IN. Our fourth chapter of the series, Little Brother:  The Fire Next Time (filmed in Muskogee, OK) is a featured presentation. This is a very special endorsement for our film team since our series stresses the focus on the emotional health of African American young men.  Before branding a number of boys of middle school age as a "problem" or "bound for the system," has anyone thought to consider the influences and contributions to their mental and emotional health? We have. And if you have not seen our series, we invite you to visit our website at and purchase one or all of our chapters we have discounted with our distributor Third World Newsreel.  LIttle Brother is a conversation that will save a generation.  Join us!