More #FilmAFeatureIn8Days News to Share!

As many of you are learning, our narrative feature, TITLE VII, filmed this summer in Florham Park, NJ and was lensed in eight days. And,  we wrapped by 6pm each day.  As we look back to say, "We did that!" I love the idea of looking ahead to the very near future when I get to share tips on the "Why" and "How" this production schedule came to be! So join me Sunday, October 23 at 2pm, Spike Lee Screening Room, LIU Brooklyn Campus for the #ReelSisters microbudgeting workshop, #FilmAFeatureIn8Days. Please register by clicking here. I'll be there to give lots of behind-the-scenes lessons that may help you get your first narrative feature in the can as well! Have you tried the hashtag #FilmAFeatureIn8Days on Twitter? Please catch my numbered tips there--tryin' to get to 100 (which would be longer than the film!). A great way to launch the conversation, though, was an interview I was thrilled to do with Directed by Women. You may check that out by clicking here.  Would love to hear your thoughts. I already admitted, we were crazy! But it turned out to be a good crazy. :) I can't wait to hear your reviews! For now, see you in class! 

TITLE VII scene with Darryl (Fidel Vicioso) and Hillary (Chicava HoneyChild) as they work out a lifechanging deal.

TITLE VII scene with Darryl (Fidel Vicioso) and Hillary (Chicava HoneyChild) as they work out a lifechanging deal.