What I Learned from a Sister Filmmaker

Courage.  Filmmaker Alison Duke was introduced to me by colleague Renee T. Robinson as a subject for my Black Dox series of articles for the Toronto-based publication ByBlacks.com.  Thanks to Alison's persistence accompanied with warmth, talent combined with gut instinct, and overall concern for humankind we have an inside view of how rulings from the Canadian courts escalate the stigmatization of women afflicted with HIV.  My article on Alison's incredible work--of which she continues to receive commissions--may be seen here.  You will also see within the article a link to her latest film on the topic. It may be screened in its entirety. Thank you, Alison Duke, for your exceptional dedication to storytelling. And thank you ByBlacks.com for having me on board to report on the work of my talented neighbors to the North.