...Try Try Again

This week’s swim lesson was a big fail. Floating is something I have to get used to—a metaphor for relaxing, I’m sure. When I got the floating and kicking moves down, it’s time to get out of this position. That did not go smoothly. I panicked when my legs led me backward, almost upside down, then diving sideways toward the pool floor…basically drowning in three feet of water. When I grabbed for my instructor that was a no-no. She’s had it with me. I guess join the club. I’ve disappointed many an instructor. Seems to be my lane.

BUT! I think I’m confident enough to continue to practice on my own. And there are so many YouTube videos out now, maybe I’ll get some tips! For getting out of a float I just have to think “tuck and roll.”

One tip before I destroyed our instructor/student relationship: When you’re swimming and lift and turn your head for air, you only have to turn toward one side. You don’t have to coordinate turning your head left then right, like I’ve been attempting. That was a relief. Until next time…staying afloat!